This is the FINAL OFFERING of this online class. Please consider joining me on THURSDAY mornings for GENTLE YOGA or on TUESDAY mornings for an in-person class in an outdoor setting at United Church of Tallahassee, 1834 Mahan Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32308. (Please check the website after May 19 for more information on the in-person series.)
For this TUESDAY’S class, choose a quiet place to set up where you will not be interrupted for an hour and a half. You will need
- a chair,
- a yoga mat or blanket to lie on,
- a blanket or pillow for your head, and
- a bolster, or extra pillow or rolled-up towel or blanket for the closing relaxation.
Please email, text, or call me at 850-766-0967 if you have questions.