This week’s topic for the final class in our series on types of ĀSANAS is An Introduction to Balance Poses.
As we age, maintaining balance becomes more and more important to our continued vitality. The ancient yogis referred to balance postures as “peculiar accomplishments.” This set of postures help the student develop a focused and stable mind, as well as increase the overall structural integrity and strength of the body.
Pairing the movement (ĀSANA), with sound (Chant) and breath (PRANYAMA), you will personally experience the benefits of this practice not only to your body, but also to your mind and spirit. As always, we close with a guided meditation, that leaves you deeply relaxed with a sense of increased vitality and overall well-being.
This gentle class is suitable for all levels of students and beginners are welcome.
Class will be held in the Sanctuary of the United Church of Tallahassee, 1834 Mahan Dr, Tallahassee, FL 32308.
PLEASE NOTE: Each student is responsible for bringing the following:
- a yoga mat or blanket to lie on,
- a blanket, beach towel, or pillow for your head, and
- a bolster, or extra pillow or rolled-up towel or blanket for the closing relaxation, and
- any additional props that would maximize your comfort and safety during the practice.
Please email [email protected], or text or call 850-766-0967 if you have questions.